Monday, March 18, 2019

Putting Lipstick on a pig doesn't make it a hot date

Earlier this evening, Zavier Biccott,the Chair of the Republican Liberty Caucus announced on social media that he had joined the NAACP citing concerns that the GOPs outreach efforts to the black community have not been adequate. Shortly, thereafter the social media feed exploded with the howls of derision from the far right about "why is there no association for the advancement of white people? " and "They want equality, they've had it for fifty years"   and as I sat there watching all these white folks squabbling over what's good for the black community and what isn't, I  rolled my eyes because it's just absolutely pointless and its exactly why most of the black community doesn't want to be in the Republican Party.

One of the big issues I have with this effort is outreach is about more then sensational verbiage. It's about values. Things like poverty, crime,healthcare, things that the GOP makes a mess of regularly are things that matter to the black community.
.....Gutting Medicaid doesn't help the black community,
 slashing public transit funding all over the place doesn't help the black community,
harshening sentencing guidelines doesn't help the black community,
asset limits do not help the black community,
for profit prisons do not help the black community,
voter suppression doesn't help the black community,
continuing the war on drugs kind of policies does not help the black community,
adversity to housing programs doesn't help the black communty, slashing a fourth of MDHRs budget doesn't help the black community.....

Everybody knows the issues exist,  continuing to blab about them and initiate conversations does nothing unless your policies are going to reflect those conversations and we all know their not going to. So what's the point?

While I appreciate Biccott's Tenacity, his is not the majority opinion and putting sugar on a pile of crap, doesn't make it any less of a pile of crap, putting lipstick on a pig doesn't make it a hot date and trying to better explain bad policy ideas doesn't make the policy ideas less bad...